Thursday, January 31, 2013


Everyone Has Been Bullied

 We have all been through a tough day. If you don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say it at all. Sometimes we don't think about what we're going to say before we say it.  Things that you might not think offend someone or hurt someone really can.

 Each day 160,000 kids stay home from school because they're bullied. Why do we do this to each other? We're all people and should all be treated the same. It shouldn't matter what you look like or what you wear. You can change this. Don't be a bystander. Don't stand there and watch the victim get hurt. You know if you were in the position they are in you would want someone to be there for you and not just stand there and witness it all. You need to be an up stander. Stand up for people. Show the victim you care. That doesn't necessarily that you should say something to the bully. You could go tell an adult, talk to the victim alone, or just stick up right as it's going on. Don't think that by telling an adult you are ratting the bully out or tattling. Tattling is trying to get someone into trouble, reporting is simply getting someone out of trouble. It's okay to be different.

 If we were all the same life would be so boring. You just need to show bullies that you're bigger than that. You need to stand your ground. Show them you're not afraid. This has to do with having confidence. Confidence is a great thing to have. With confidence you can pretty much do anything. You can say what you believe, stand up for yourself, and talk to everyone. Most of the time a lot of people are afraid to talk to others at school because they don't have confidence. They think of the worst outcome that could possibly happen. You need to have confidence to get far. You can achieve more goals and become better at different things. Even though you might think to yourself things aren't getting better they're just getting worse.

 Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end. Even actors and movie stars where bullied when they were kids. Some for deciding to pursue their music or acting career. It has happened to everyone before. You need to know that you're not alone. There are people there to help you. That's their job. There are always guidance counselors at school. They are there to guide you through tough times. If you ever see someone being bullied remember don't be a bystander be an up stander. Stick your ground. Have confidence and don't forget always keep your head up.

 "If you're lucky enough to be different, don't change." ~Taylor Swift
                                                                                                                     Love, Em H

1 comment:

  1. Wow what an awesome perspective from a young girl. God Bless You!
    Peace...Iron Mike
